A tradesman is only as good as his tools, if he doesn't have the right equipment, then the finished product will not be as high quality as it could have been. If you are doing some DIY work, it can be hard to know which tools are necessary for panel beating.

There are many different tools and variations on the market, meaning that it can be an extremely overwhelming process. You don't want to damage the panels by using an incorrect tool or even waste time. There are many tools that have been long associated with panel beating as well as some newer technology that has emerged in recent years.

Here are some of the important tools that you will need if you are doing a car restoration or other panel beating activities.

Bumping or panel-beating hammers

Just like the name suggests, these hammers are produced solely for panel beating. They come in many different styles including flat faced which are used for panels that are crowned or crown faced hammers for panels that are flat.

These specific shapes decrease the amount of surface contact and are available in a variety of shapes and weights. Pick ends can prove to be useful for working on niggly projects.

Cross pein hammer

This hammer is perfect to use when you need to apply a concentrated blow at a linear angle. It is one of the most used tools, and buying a quality cross pein hammer should be at the top of your shopping list if you do not already have a quality one.

Pick hammer

Beginners should avoid this tool, as it requires very precise use and a lot of knowledge about panel beating to use. It is very helpful for those experienced beaters, as it can be carefully used to push out dints from the inside.

Shrinking hammer

This is a great tool for when you need to remove scrape from doors. You need to use it in conjunction with a flat dolly to do the best job possible.


These are used to provide a counter to a hammer. Through the process of striking on the dolly, the metal will raise because of the stretching process. There are many options to choose from.


Spoons are used to drift, pry and slap and can even be used as a makeshift dolly if needed to. They are normally either chrome or metal plated and can be very handy tools to have. 
